Homework Feb. 26- March2

Social Studies: SS weekly and read pages 201-205 and answer questions on each page. ELA- Readworks.org article and read for 20 minutes. Document on reading log and have parent to initial. Quizlet.com (vocabulary study)

Homework Feb. 19-23rd

Parents, students will have the opportunity to go through readworks.org and Google classroom to redo or complete any assignments that have not been done or they can do better on. All work must be turned in by Friday February 23rd.

Homework Feb. 12-16

Students are to complete their Black History Biography Book on the person the picked in class. This is due Friday. If extra time is needed students will have until Monday to turn it in. Students also have a SS NewsWeekly (18) to complete as well as a Readworks.org article to complete online. Everything must be turned in by Friday. We will test on adjectives Thursday. Don't forget to study using Quizziz Google Slides will be uploaded soon for studying...

Homework and Events

Wednesday, February 7, we will visit the Challenger Learning Center. Students will be back at school in time for lunch. Students are asked to wear their green Killian t-shirts. Homework Students can take the Quizizz quizzes as many times as they would like. Social Studies: reasearch a woman from the Revolutionary War, info is in google classroom (due Friday); Quizizz ELA: Quizizz, Quizlet, Readworks article (due Friday)

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